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1. International Congress of the
Association of European Journalists

Budapest, November 14-17, 2003

Danubius Thermal Hotel Margitsziget, Jázmin room
Sede dei lavori – Sala Jázmin del Danubius Thermal Hotel Margitsziget
(H-1138 Budapest, Margit Island, www.danubiusgroup.com)

The renaissance of Europe and the Media
La rinascita dell’Europa e i mass media

November 14, Friday / Venerdì
arrival of delegates and guests, transfer to hotels
Accommodation: Grand Hotel and Thermal Hotel on Margit Island (next to each other)
/ Arrivo delegazioni e trasferimento al Grand Hotel e al Thermal Hotel, Margit Island (uno vicino all’altro)

18:00 - Executive Committee Meeting or Extraordinary GA – Jázmin room (Thermal) / Riunione del Comitato esecutivo, oppure Assemblea generale straordinaria (sala Jázmin –Thermal Hotel)
21:00 - Dinner hosted by the Hungarian Section – Széchenyi restaurant (Grand) / Cena offerta dalla Sezione Ungherese (ristorante Széchenyi Grand Hote

November 15, Saturday / Sabato
Jázmin room (Thermal)
Sala Jázmin Thermal Hotel

10:00 - Péter Medgyessy, Prime Minister opening speech followed by press conference / Discorso di apertura del Primo Ministro Péter Medgyessy e subito dopo conferenza stampa
10:40 - János Martonyi, former Foreign Minister addresses the Congress / Discorso dell’ex ministro degli esteri János Martonyi
11:30 - Opening session of the AEJ General Assembly – speeches, reports / Apertura sessione Assemblea generale AJE – discorsi e rapporti
13:00lunch – Platán restaurant (Thermal) / Pranzo nel ristorante Platán del Thermal Hotel
14:00 - plenary session continues / Continuazione lavori assemblea
16:00 - László Kovács, Foreign Minister addresses the Congress / discorso del ministro degli esteri László Kovács
16:50 - coffee break
17:00 - plenary session continues / Continuazione lavori assemblea
21:00 - Ceremonial dinner for the delegates and the guests - Szécheny restaurant (Grand) / Cena di benvenuto delegati e ospiti – ristorante Szécheny Grand Hotel

November 16, Sunday / Domenica
Jázmin room (Thermal)
Sala Jázmin Thermal Hotel

1. Panel: The renaissance of Europe
Introductory speech by Dr. Otto von Habsburg. Members of panel: István Szent-Iványi (MP, Alliance of Free Democrats, EU Integration Committee, chairman), Pál Bodor (writer, Honorary President of AEJHS), Andreas Oplatka (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), Hajnalka Vincze (security analyser)

1. Panel : Rinascita dell’Europa
Discorso introduttivo del Dott. Otto d’Asburgo – Relatori: István Szent-Iványi della Libera Alleanza Democratici MP, presidente del Comitato per l’integrazione europea), Pál Bodor , scrittore, presidente onorario AEJHS), Andreas Oplatka giornalista del Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Hajnalka Vincze (Analista dei problemi della sicurezza)

11:00 - coffee break

2. Panel: Nation States and supranationalism in the European Integration
Introductory speech by Dr. Péter Kende (professor of political sciences, Paris). Members: Juraj Alner (AEJ Secretary General, Bratislava), Carola Kapsch (Budapest correspondent of FAZ), Kálmán Katona (ex Minister of Transport, MDF Vice-President)

2. Panel: Stati-nazione e sovranazionalismi nell’integrazione europea.
Discorso introduttivo Dr. Péter Kende (docente di scienze politiche a Parigi).- Relatori: Juraj Alner (Segretario Generale dell’AJE - Bratislava), Carola Kapsch (Budapest correspondente di FAZ), Kálmán Katona (ex Ministro dei Trasporti, Vice-Presidente del MDF)

13:00lunch – Platán restaurant (Thermal) - Pranzo nel ristorante del Termal Hotel.

3. Panel: Value-principle in the press, the role of public opinion
Introductory speech by Péter Bajomi Lázár (editor in chief of magazine Médiakutató -Mediaresearch). Members: Zoltán Lakner (professor of political sciences), Athanase Papandropoulos (Honorary President of the AEJ), Danko Plevnik (journalist, Croatia), Iván Vitányi (Socialist MP, sociologist)

3. Panel: Il principio di valutazione nella stampa, il ruolo dell’ opinione pubblica
Discorso introduttivo di Péter Bajomi Lázár (Direttore del rotocalco Médiakutató -Mediaresearch). - Componenti: Zoltán Lakner (docente di scienze politiche), Athanase Papandropoulos (Honorary President of the AEJ), Danko Plevnik (journalist, Croatia), Iván Vitányi (del partito socialista MP, sociologo)

16:15 - coffee break

4. Panel: How far can the EU be extended?
Introductory speech by Thomas Glaser (EU Delegation in Budapest). Members: András Inotai (Hungarian Academy of Science, Director of the World Economic Research Institute), Péter Ledniczky (CEO ITD Hungary), representative of OTP Bank, guest speakers from Rumania and Bulgaria

4. Panel: Fin dove si può spingere l’Unione Europea ?
Discorso introduttivo di Thomas Glaser (della Delegazione UE, Budapest) - Relatori: András Inotai (Accademia delle Scienze Ungherese, Direttore del World Economic Research Institute), Péter Ledniczky (CEO ITD Hungary), rappresentante dell’ OTP Bank, relatore-ospite Rumania e Bulgaria

20:00Hungarian Goulash Party – by bus / Gulash Party ungherese – (con bus)

November 17, Monday / Lunedì
Jázmin room (Thermal)
Sala Jázmin Thermal Hotel

09:00 - AEJ General Assembly continues / Continuazione lavori Assemblea
11:00 - coffee break
11:15 - Resolutions, closure / Risoluzioni e chiusura
13:00 - farewell lunch – Platán restaurant (Thermal) / Pranzo di commiato nel ristorante Platán del Termal Hotel.
Departures - transfers to the airport / Partenze e trasferimento all’aeroporto